Dieter Kondek
Founding Managing Partner

Dieter's 40-year journey in the technology industry as a Global Connector of ecosystems & technology hubs in Europe, US, Middle East and ASIA

1980 - 2000
Corporate Executive
@IBM @Dell @Tech Data

2001 - 2017 Entrepreneur & Founder

2018 - 2023 
Venture Capital & Family Offices

Dieter Kondek's Bio

Dieter Kondek, Founder & Managing Partner Transatlantic Capital Partners, has over 40 years of experience as an entrepreneur, startup investor and senior executive in the technology industry. He co-founded multiple successful startups and served as CEO and in senior leadership positions at both venture capital-funded and publicly listed companies in the software and infrastructure technologies industries. Dieter is an active Board Member & Board of Advisor Member with several technology companies & foundations

Active Business Relationships: 

  • Founding Partner | Transatlantic Capital Partners
  • Founding Partner | AFOA Capital Partners | Atlantic Familiy Office Alliance || 
  • CEO | DKFL Capital Partners | US Real Estate Investment
  • Co-Founder & Partner | Global Blockchain Ventures |

Past Professional Experience: 

  • Corporate Executive at IBM, Dell, Tech Data. Pivot3
  • Co-Founder: Polisoft, Tradex, DynaPel, GBV.Fund
  • 4 successful exits  - one with IPO
  • CoAuthor of the book - "Blockchain in Healthcare"

Board Member & Advisor (active)

  • Board of Advisors at Swiss based Realizer Software AG
  • Board of Advisors at Seattle based Synthesis Cloud Inc.
  • Board Chairman at Moonlight USA Inc. | 

Board & Board of Advisor (past)

  • Computer 2000 Sweden & Holland | Board of Directors (Public), 1990-1994
  • Linotype-Hell AG | Board of Directors (Public), 1995-97
  • DynaPel Systems (Public): Chairman & CEO, 2004-2006
  • Agent Video Intelligence (Private): CEO & Board, 2006
  • Board of Advisors: IOTA Foundation, 2019-2021

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